Easy and convenient: Why same-day cannabis delivery is a growing demand

Cannabis delivery services continue to be in high demand, across B.C.

Life is busy. Between work and family commitments, catching up with friends and finding a little downtime for ourselves, it can be tough to carve out time for everything. It’s a big reason why Canadians embrace quality services that also offer convenience – a reality Vancouver’s Jesse Dhami, co-owner and CEO of Inspired Cannabis, recognized early on.

“Cannabis delivery services at our Inspired Cannabis locations in B.C. — particularly our Delta location — continues to be in high demand. This isn’t surprising when you consider that 62 per cent of B.C. cannabis consumers work full- or part-time and most are between 19 and 44. In other words, our customers are busy individuals who value their time and are looking for convenient solutions that allow them to maximize their downtime,” Dhami says.

While societal views on cannabis use have improved since legalization in 2018, studies show that one in five cannabis consumers continue to face stigma. This adds to the appeal of prompt delivery services.

“Delivery turnaround time for most of our locations is within two hours of placing the order and always within the same day. Some of our customers also enjoy the option of not coming directly into the store, but having their orders delivered to their door instead,” Dhami says.

Delivery services have also offered a creative workaround for Canadian cannabis enthusiasts living in communities not fully on board with the cannabis revolution.

A prime example is Metro Vancouver’s largest municipality, Surrey. While Surrey city officials recently voted unanimously to allow future cannabis stores within city limits, residents currently need to leave Surrey to access cannabis storefronts, making online orders and same-day delivery from Inspired Cannabis in Delta much more convenient than commuting out of Surrey to visit a store in person.

“Convenience isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity in today’s fast-paced world. At Inspired Cannabis, we’re committed to meeting our customers where they are, ensuring that they can enjoy their cannabis products without disrupting their busy lives. It’s all about making life a little easier and more enjoyable, one delivery at a time,” Dhami says.

Inspired Cannabis currently offers same-day delivery at their Vancouver and Delta/Surrey locations. Find more information about Inspired Cannabis online at inspiredcannabis.ca and find a location close to you online here.