Surrey cannabis retail stores 1 step closer to opening

The public has chance to provide input on nine proposed cannabis stores in Surrey at an April 14 public hearing.

Cannabis retails stores are one step closer to opening their doors for business in Surrey.

During a regular council land use meeting March 10, Surrey council members voted on the future of businesses offering cannabis products in the city, with a public hearing date set for Monday, April 14 at 7 p.m. for nine related business applications.

Last November, council directed city staff to initiate rezoning applications for businesses to set up cannabis retail stores in the city. At the March 10 meeting, council – excluding Mayor Brenda Locke and Coun. Mandeep Nagra – voted to allow the introduction of a bylaw to amend zoning “to permit a cannabis store in an existing” retail or commercial unit, with the public hearing date of April 14 set for the following applications:

• 7380 KGB (Imagine Cannabis)

• 10310-152 St. — 10320, 10330 and 10340 152 St. (Imagine Cannabis)

• 10383 – 150 St. — (10385, 10387, 10389, 10391, and 10393 – 150 St.); 14974, 14976, 14978, and 14980 – 104 Ave. (Agent 1486965 B.C. Ltd., S. Biln)

• 9014 – 152 St. – 9056 and 9082 – 152 St. (Agent 1486965 B.C. Ltd., S. Biln)

• 13650 – 102 Ave. (Lightbox Enterprises dba Dutch Love Cannabis)

• 15148 Fraser Hwy. (15168 Fraser Hwy.) (Agent 1181168 B.C. Ltd., N. Toor)

• 15715 Croydon Dr., Morgan Crossing Properties (Adresses are: 15775, 15745, 15785, 15795, 15735 and 15765 Croydon Dr.) (Burb Cannabis Corp.)

• 19555 Fraser Hwy. (R. Basran)

• 2332 – 160 Street (2220 – 160 St.; 16010, 16030, 16050, 16070, 16090, 16120, and 16140 – 24 Ave.) (Lightbox Enterprises dba Dutch Love Cannabis)

Council’s votes to move forward carried with Locke and Nagra opposed.

“I met with a lot of parents, a lot of religious leaders, and they have expressed concerns over promoting cannabis products in City of Surrey, so I will not support any of these motions,” Nagra said in the March 10 meeting.

Along with the public hearing and soliciting feedback from the public and businesses in the areas around the proposed stores, finalized signage drawings must be submitted to the satisfaction of the planning and development department.

A Good Neighbour Agreement between each applicant and the city must also be executed, and, if the store is supported after the public hearing, “it is recommended that Council pass a resolution expressing support for the subject license to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB).”

The April 14 public hearing is scheduled for 7 p.m.

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